Reddie Portal


To create a screensaver playlist for your touch screen, you must create a standard non-touch playlist then publish it to your screen. Once you have created and published it to a screen it will become a screensaver.

To create a basic playlist, click here.

New touch screens come with a default screensaver. This can be replaced by creating and publishing another playlist by following the instructions:

To remove the existing screen saver, complete the following steps:

1. Go to and enter the pre-assigned credentials and on-screen verification code.

2.  Hover over the “player” icon on the top menu and then click “player”

3. Right click your screen and click “view schedule”

4. Under the “playlist” tab, click the check box next to the playlist and click “delete” at the top right of the window.

1. To begin creating your content, open Microsoft Power Point, then go to design.

2. Go to “page set up”

3. Change your slide size to a 16:9 aspect ratio as this is the ratio of your display. Then to “portrait” if you’re publishing to a vertical screen.

4. Next, create your content using images and text

5. Once you’re happy with the look of your design, log into with your preassigned credentials and the on-screen verification code.

6. Once you’ve logged in, click the “rapid” icon from the top menu and choose your template and click “next”

7. Select the “PPT” tab and clicking the “upload” or the up- arrow button

8. Next, click “add file” and browse to find the PowerPoint file that you saved and click “open”

9. Then click upload.

10. When your PowerPoint is finished uploading, drag it to the section at the bottom and then click “save”

11. Then, click “next”

12. Now, continue to publish your content as outlined in previous videos.


Our CMS is built on a dedicated on Kamatera platform which is run by globally distributed data centers incorporating the latest technologies, servers are kept stable and available at all times, under virtually any conditions.
Every component has at least N+1 redundancy resilience, which is a parallel backup device that will automatically be deployed in the event of a component failure. This means that any hardware failure in any power supply unit, hard disk drive, power phase, UPS, memory or CPU will automatically switch to an alternative device, without you having to worry about the configuration required to make it all work. Resiliency of the mains power supply is similarly maintained with backup generators..

By using a true virtual computing environment, we can offer enhanced cloud service functions, such as:

1. Scalable Server Computing Power: Allowing us to expand the server to suit our requirements.

2. Windows Server OS 2019: All our software is running on the most up-to-date enterprise level operating system.

3. Cloud Firewall: Protect your data from outside attacks and secure against malware with a high-availability, virtual appliance firewall.

4. Snapshot: A complete image of the whole system is generated on a daily basis. Our CMS server can be restored in just few minutes at any time.

Local Screens (Content Safety)

1. Our network screen will only respond to the encrypted commands generated by the CMS server, either via a direct internet connection or a download package. So there is no chance to update the contents without accessing to the web management console first.

2. The on board Android systems are all customized for using our digital signage software only. All the physical ports for external connection are all hidden in a special locker.

3. Kamatera’s network experts set up definitions, monitor activity and adjust settings as necessary to keep your defenses high at all times.

Media Management Console (User Operation)

1. The Web based content management console establishes a secure connection (HTTPS) between your device and cloud server. The data on both the in and out tunnels are encrypted based on a real time generated security key to prevent your login detail or media files to be intercepted by others.

2. Your default login details will be generated only at your purchase. Once you have chosen a preferred password, no one (even our administrators) can access this piece of information except yourself.

Before uploading any files to the Reddie Portal CMS please ensure that they meet the requirements below:



Container MP4, AVI, MPG

Codec MPEG-1, MPEG-2, MPEG-4, XVID*, H.264

Width 1920 (1080 for portrait)

Height 1080 (1920 for portrait)

Audio AAC or MP3

(*not supported on touch screens)


Format Profile Main@L4.0

Frame Rate 30fps

Standard PAL

Bitrate 5000kbps

Bitrate Encoding CBR

Field Order/Scan Progressive

Audio AAC or MP3


Container JPEG

Compression Baseline

Colour Mode RGB

Width 1920 (1080 for portrait)

Height 1080 (1920 for portrait)

DPI 300

Office Documents:



PowerPoint PPT, PPTX

Applications (touch screens only):

Android application package APK

Some networks have special security settings that block the screen either from connecting locally or communicating correctly with the server. In these cases there will be a network administrator who has implemented these restrictions and should therefore know how to lift or modify them. The following information about how our hardware communicates with our server should help lift or modify the appropriate restrictions:


Domain and IP address of the CMS server:
• Domain –
• IP –

Ports and Protocols
The following ports are required to be open both ways for complete communication with the CMS server:

Port Protocol Function;
80 (8088 can be used if port 80 is blocked) HTTP Download media and configuration files
4701 TCP Log in to server and register heartbeat
4700 UDP Remote control commands (stop, play, screenshots etc.)
16732 UDP Local synchronization (multi-cast)
16733 UDP Local synchronization (multi-cast)
Proxy Server:
If the network has a proxy server in place then proxy server settings can be assigned to the screen.

Static IP:
If your device needs to be given a static IP it can be assigned to the screen.

The Reddie Portal CMS software should be compatible with all major browsers such as the latest versions of Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome.

If you have any compatibility issues, such as certain buttons not appearing, please try using the latest version of Google Chrome to access the software. To download the latest version of Google Chrome, please Click Here.

If you have video files in a format that is not supported (such as MOV, WMV or FLV), or you are having problems displaying your videos, you will need to convert them by taking the following steps.

1 of 7. Download and install a free video convertor for Windows called Format Factory which can be found here: Once you have finished downloading and installing Format Factory, launch the software.

2 of 7. Next, click the “AVI” button.

3 of 7. Now click “Add File”.

4 of 7. Next, locate and select the video files you wish to convert and click “Open”.

5 of 7. Now click “Output Setting”.

6 of 7. Set your “Video Settings” to the following values, and then click “OK”:

7 of 7. Click “Start”. Once the video has finished converting you can access it by clicking the “Output Folder” button, you can then move it to a more convenient location.


1. Enter your login credentials at along with the on-screen verification code.

2. Once logged in, hover over the “player” icon on the top menu of the screen.
3. Now select “monitor”
4. The s/n number should be displayed in the respective field.


Begin by powering the screen on from the mains and allow it to complete its boot up procedure. Once the content is playing take the following steps:
Press “STOP” (■) on the remote control to go back to the Home screen. You may see a “Local ID” in the “Network Status” box, if you do please make a note of it:
If you don’t see the above press “SETUP” on your remote to access the Main Menu
Go to “Network Setting”
Make a note of the “Local ID” code

If your screen is disconnected from the internet but you want to update it you may do so by the plug and play method.

1. Go to and enter the pre-assigned password and the on-screen verification code.


2. Upon sign in, create a playlist as you would normally.


3. Hover over the “player” icon on the top menu and click player. You should see a list of all your screens.


4. Right click on the screen you sent the playlist to and select “program package”


5. The Program Package window will then appear, click the “pack program” button


6. The “Program Package Type” window will then appear. Tick the “Select All” checkbox to send all timer, download, display and current data to the screen as well. Then click “OK”


7. After a few minutes an icon will appear in the “Download” column, when it appears, click it.


8. Once the download is complete your web browser will inform you and normally help direct you to your files. If you are using Google Chrome, select the option “Show in folder”


9. Your Inside the zipped folder that has been downloaded should be two folders; “MEDIA” and “SYSTEM”. Copy these two folders onto a blank USB stick, and then plug it into the USB port of your screen. Allow the data to transfer to your screen and follow the on-screen prompts before removing the USB stick.
NB. If you are ever asked for a password it is 123456

First, start by checking the status of your screen.

1. To double check the status of your screen, login to with your login credentials and the on-screen verification code.
2. Hover over the “player” icon on the top menu.
3. Select “monitor” from the drop down.
4. FYI: “Connecting” or “Online” status means your screen is establishing connections with the server. Please note:
If a screen is “offline” it doesn’t mean it is not playing the scheduled content correctly.
It means its not communicating correctly with the server
If your screen or player is showing an offline status (such as “offline today” or “offline 48hrs+” or “Offline”) within the status section of the CMS, check the “last heartbeat” section.
If your screen or player was online in the last 24 hours and is connected via WIFI, it could have dropped off due to a weak WIFI signal. If that is the case, check with your network administrator.

Server Information


The content management system (CMS) is hosted on an OMC Kamatera Server,
using an SSL encryption method and an ISO 27001 Security Certification, SOC 2 Type II and IS 27017
Security Certification. Snyk Vulnerability scan takes place monthly, as well as the operating system (OS)
for the server being updated and patched monthly by OMC Kamatera.

The cloud uses OMC Kamatera: EBS Provisioned IOPS storage (SSD), which securely protects all saved
data and keeps a continuous backup on the server. The CMS Server is on the OMC Kamatera platform
which is run by globally distributed data centers incorporating the latest technologies, servers are kept stable
and available at all times, under virtually any conditions. Every component has at least N+1 redundancy
resilience, which is a parallel backup device that will automatically be deployed in the event of a component
failure. This means that any hardware failure in any power supply unit, solid state drives, power phase, UPS,
memory or CPU will automatically switch to an alternative device, without you having to worry about the
configuration required to make it all work. Resiliency of the main power supply is similarly maintained with
backup generators. In addition, a complete image of the whole system is generated on a daily basis. Our CMS
server can be restored in just few minutes at any time.

The server also features a DynaTrace Infrastructure Monitoring system, which monitors the status of the
server in real-time and sends updates to the engineers every minute. We have in place a scalable computing
power system, allowing us to expand the server to suit our requirements if higher demands of data transfer are needed.

The network administrators for the content management system (CMS) are fully trained engineers, and have
a minimum of 4 years’ experience in our operations. Our very own development team also help maintain the
server and processes. There is a locked IP that allows only our engineers to maintain and manage the server
through a secure port.


The cloud data has to go through HashiCorp’s HCP VAULT before
any data has been transferred to the screen/player. The HCP VAULT is a managed server that enables us to
easily create and control the keys used for cryptographic operations. The service provides a highly available
key generation, storage, management and auditing solution for us to encrypt data within the CMS. Events that
breach security are logged and analysed by the HCP VAULT in real-time. HashiCorp’s HCP VAULT monitors
all the system resources and protects the confidentiality and integrity of data.

HashiCorp’s HCP VAULT Detection System (IDS) and Intrusion Prevention System (IPS) offers key features
to help protect EC2 instances. Any breaches are logged and analysed by the IDS system. These monitor the
inbound and outbound data, as well as the system resources. Any attempted intrusions will also be logged by
the IPS. There are also engineers on standby 24/7 to respond to any vulnerability alerts. All security events
are logged and reported. Any suspicious attempts are also reported immediately by HashiCorp’s HCP VAULT.
The engineers and developers also have IT server maintenance training and server training, which is provided

There are multiple security hardening procedures in place, such as trimming and restricting remote services
on the OMC Kamatera and minimization of services the server is running. The CMS is also the only thing
that the server hosts so there are no other processes being run on the server. It also features an encrypted
security key, and uses secured packages when sending and receiving information. Each screen/player that
is connected to the CMS will have a security identifier, which is unique for each screen/player. There is a
watchdog system in place on the screen/player itself that will react to unwanted data or activity and begin
restoring configurations from the server once abnormalities are detected. Finally, two separate firewalls are in
place in front of all data going in and out of the server.

To keep accounts secure on Reddie Portal has a CAPTCHA authentication system is in place to protect spam
and password decryption. When logging into an account there is a simple test that requires the user to type out the exact numbers shown into a field that differentiates between human and computer access.



The CMS server connects to the screen/player using the HTTPS web protocols. The HTTPS encrypts the
data real-time, preventing any information being intercepted by others. The CMS server will transfer files
via a packet system, and require the screen/player to return a message to the server every time it receives
a part of the packet, allowing the next part to be sent.

Port 80 (or 8088) using the HTTP protocol is used to download media from the server as well as
configuration files. Port 4700 on the UDP protocol is used to send remote commands to the screen/player
from the server. Port 4701 on the TCP protocol is used to let the screen/player log into the server, and also
register heartbeats for monitoring purposes. Finally, ports 16732 and 16733 on the UDP protocol are used for
local synchronization of the content of multiple screens/players.



Begin by logging in with your user credentials at and entering the verification code on screen

1. Hover over the “program” icon on the top menu, then click “template”

2. You will now see a set of pre-designed templates

3. You may choose from either a horizontal or vertical template. Select either one if you wish to have ONLY one image or video displayed at a time.

4. Click “user template” in the far-left column if you want to create your own template complete with zones for images, videos and scrolling text or RSS feeds.

5. Upon selecting “user template,” click the “new” button to the far left

6. Give your template a name in the “new template box” that appears on screen and choose a resolution – Portrait sizes: 1080X1920; Landscape: 1920 X1080.

7. Once done, click “ok”

8. You will now see a template design interface. You can begin laying out the different zones for your media.

To add video zones, date and time fields and images as background, you may click the zones on the left of the screen. When the zones appear, you can reposition them wherever you like onscreen.

To learn more about how to create customizable user templates you may watch Creating Templates.

1. To update your screen with high resolution jpeg images, start by connecting your device to your WIFI source.

2. Next, visit and enter the login credentials you were previously given. Also enter the onscreen verification code.

3. Once logged in, click “rapid” on the top menu then choose your template

4. Choose “horizontal” if your screen is in landscape and “vertical” if your screen is in portrait

5. Click “next” to the far right of the screen

6. Upload images by clicking the “upload” button or the up-arrow button

7. Now click ‘Add File.’ Browse through your files, select a jpeg image, and click “open”

8. Click upload

9. Drag and drop uploaded image to the section at the bottom

10. Click “save” followed by “next”

11. Click the check box beside the screen you want to publish to and then click “publish”


To follow these instructions in video format, you can watch Video  Click Here